Account & Subscription
Premium subscriptions
Switching between plans
Visit our subscription center . Login with the email address that you purchased your subscription or bundle with. Check your email for a login link. ...
Current prices and offers
For our current prices and offers, please visit our Shop .
Trying alphabeats for free
We sometimes offer a free trial on our annual or monthly plans. For current trial offers, please visit our Shop .
Update payment details
To update your payment method or billing details, please visit our subscription center . Follow the steps to confirm your new details.
Cancel a subscription
Visit our subscription center . Login with the email address that you purchased your subscription or bundle with. Check your email for a login link. ...
Accepted payment methods
We offer multiple payment methods to pay for your alphabeats subscription or bundle. The methods may differ per country or region that you're in. To ...
alphabeats account
Create an alphabeats account
Your account is automatically created during checkout. Once you've purchased a subscription or bundle, you can log into the app using the same email a...
Change your email address
Yes, you can change your email address by sending a request to . Please make sure to send the request from your current ...
Closing your account and deleting your data
This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to delete your account and all associated data from the alphabeats app. Please follow the instructi...
Can't log in to alphabeats
If you didn't get your login code, start by checking your spam or promotions folder - it might have ended up there. Make sure the email address you en...
Resetting your data
We currently do not offer an in-app method to reset all your app data. If you wish to have all your data removed or reset, please reach out to our su...